The project aims to provide a cost-effective system to refurbish soiled and damaged ceiling panels with new decorative finishes and have them reused in commercial buildings.
Asona is often approached by architects to use their experience and ingenuity in solving arising issues in new builds such as the case when architects Tennent Brown invited Asona to develop a solution to control the reverberation and span the vast interior ceiling spaces of the new Nga Purapura complex in Otaki.
Kingspan Insulated Panels (Kingspan)—a global leader in high-performance insulation and building envelope solutions has announced the launch of its new K-Roc™ wall and ceiling panels.
FireCrunch FCA is a new Non-metal corrosive MgO board which contains NO metal corrosive Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2). The FCA bonder being non corrosive Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4).